
It was I who bit the snake and poisoned it

I who led Jesus to the whorehouse, under my arm,

And he who backed away

I laughed at him as I went in

I told him what he was missing

Told him it was cheap

Oh no, he said, the price is me

Now I sit beneath the tree

With the twice bitten apple

And wonder how things might have been

Had I acted otherwise



The nerves are working,

Producing endorphins

The senses are heightened

Until they touch the sky’s ceiling

And bend back in again

Until nerve endings hang like jungle vines

Someone more experienced could swing from them and go far

How good they are at beating their chests

And picking ant holes clean

They know the jungle

And what to do when it rains

They have evolved to it

They have labored to become natural

Whereas I am still learning to walk hunched over

To stay calm when ticks are bitten from my fir

Bloodsuckers that they are

To climb the high trees without a tremble




When God knew enough

He realized his nakedness

And created humanity to clothe him

Knowing no other form

She made mankind in her image

They all spoke the same language

But that was boring

So God muddled them

They fought among themselves

Because now they appeared different

‘We are one,’ God yelled down

But nobody listened

Because God seemed different, too

‘We only trust our own,’ they said

And so God was exiled from Eden

‘One day my children will grow up

And come to their senses,’

God said waiting for humanity to return