X-men Apocalypse is an average super hero movie. The problem is that it could have been great. To my mind Apocalypse is the coolest villain in the X-men Universe. What makes him cool is that he is immortal and able to grown in size. One of my favourite X-men cartoons was one where Apocalypse grows into the size of the Statue of Liberty or bigger and the X-men have to battle him in his gargantuan form. That’s what made him an awesome supervillan. Sadly in the movie he comes across as just another characterless destroy-the-world bad guy. He doesn’t even make the mechanical sounds (which made his character more menacing in the cartoons) when he moves. The only time when Apocalypse does increase in size is during a brief unconscious sequence between him and Professor Xavier.
The Tragedy of X-men Apocalypse is that they could have given us something original by following the comic/ cartoons more faithfully. Instead we get to see more buildings being destroyed which after so many superhero movies is becoming rather stock.
The movie also suffers a bit from Wolverine’s absence. Sure, he is there for one scene/action sequence but that’s it. Unfortunately the rest of the cast is rather bland with only Jennifer Lawrence putting in a solid performance as Mystique. Even Peters also wasn’t bad in his role as Quicksilver.
Despite these flaws there is no denying that this is an entertaining movie with plenty of great special effects.