No we will not forgive, we will never forgive
We will shun forgiveness
And doom our children to an endless war
As our ancestors did before us
And theirs did before them
Because we are angry
And find our anger justified by scripture
Religion offers us paradise in the next life
And hell in this one
Because that is how we want to see it
We read the scriptures with one eye closed
We are blind to the verses that speak of love
That speak of peace and brotherhood
We find no justification for our hatred in them so we don’t see them
Or when we do we say that they are only for our own
That only those who believe as we believe
Are worthy of love
Are worthy of the God that created all
We alone are special, we alone are chosen
Therefore it is alright for us to murder
And do what we condemn in others
The path to heaven is paved with blood
Paved with murder because we read the scripture
With one eye closed and one eye open
Seeing as holy any action that gives us vengeance
That lets us judge everyone but ourselves as if we are God