She is walking on the pavement when the idea comes to her
She has no paper so she holds the idea, fending off other thoughts,
Trying not to hear the songs coming from passing cars or houses on route
A police car pulls up onto the pavement in front of her
The officers jump out and draw their guns
The poet gasps
The offices approach the building on her right with caution
She wants to watch
Instead she walks around the police car and keeps walking
She tries not to think of it
Her mind struggles to hold the idea that she thinks could be a great
On her way home she passes a friends house
From inside she can hear music
And her friend and other friends chatting
She longs to join them but keeps walking
At last she gets home and writes the poem in a frenzy
On a piece of scrap paper pulled from the bin
Afterwards she looks at the words in awe
She marvels at the spirit that possessed her
She knows that she has just touched creation
And brought forth something that will last forever
Out of something that was never there